How To Make Telegram Bot Sinhala
āļොāļŠ āļ¯ෙāļąෙāļ් āļ
āˇāļŊා āļිāļļ්āļļ āļ´්āļģāˇ්āļąāļēāļ් āˇිāˇāļ¯āļෙāļą āļēāļą āļāļ¸āļą් , āļ āļāļ¸āļēි āļොāˇොāļ¸āļ¯ āˇāļģිāļēāļ§āļ¸ Telegram Bots āļŊāˇ āļąිāļģ්āļ¸ාāļĢāļē āļāļģ āļāļą්āļąේ āļිāļēāļŊා. āļ¸āļ¸ āļ¸ේ Video āļāļෙāļą් Videos āļිāˇිāļ´āļēāļ් āļāˇ්āˇāļģāˇāļ§ Continue āļāļģāļෙāļą āļēāļąāˇා. āļ
āļ¯ Video āļāļේ āļ´ොāļŠි āļ
āļŠුāļ´ාāļŠු āˇāļāļēāļ් āˇිāļ¯්āļ° āˇුāļąා āļ āˇāļේāļ¸ Mic āļāļෙāļ් āļ´ොāļŠි āļ´්āļģāˇ්āļą āˇāļāļēāļ් āļිāļļ්āļļ . āļāˇ්āˇāļģāˇා Videos āˇāļŊāļ¯ී āļ¸ේ āļ¯ේ āļąොāˇෙāļą්āļą āˇāļ āļļāļŊා āļāļą්āļąāļ¸්. While solving a problem that many have asked, That's exactly how Telegram Bots are created. I will continue with some videos from this video. Today there were some minor flaws in the video and there were some minor issues with the mic as well. I will make sure this does not happen in the videos ahead.