
Showing posts from July, 2021

How To Make Telegram Bot Sinhala

 āļœොāļŠ āļ¯ෙāļąෙāļš් āļ…āˇ„āļŊා āļ­ිāļļ්āļļ āļ´්‍āļģāˇ්āļąāļēāļš් āˇ€ිāˇƒāļ¯āļœෙāļą āļēāļą āļœāļ¸āļą් ,  āļ’ āļ­āļ¸āļēි āļšොāˇ„ොāļ¸āļ¯ āˇ„āļģිāļēāļ§āļ¸ Telegram Bots āļŊāˇ€ āļąිāļģ්āļ¸ාāļĢāļē āļšāļģ āļœāļą්āļąේ āļšිāļēāļŊා. āļ¸āļ¸ āļ¸ේ Video āļ‘āļšෙāļą් Videos āļšිāˇ„ිāļ´āļēāļš් āļ‰āˇƒ්āˇƒāļģāˇ„āļ§ Continue āļšāļģāļœෙāļą āļēāļąāˇ€ා.  āļ…āļ¯ Video āļ‘āļšේ āļ´ොāļŠි āļ…āļŠුāļ´ාāļŠු āˇ€āļœāļēāļš් āˇƒිāļ¯්āļ° āˇ€ුāļąා āļ’ āˇ€āļœේāļ¸ Mic āļ‘āļšෙāļ­් āļ´ොāļŠි āļ´්‍āļģāˇ්āļą āˇ€āļœāļēāļš් āļ­ිāļļ්āļļ . āļ‰āˇƒ්āˇƒāļģāˇ„ා Videos āˇ€āļŊāļ¯ී āļ¸ේ āļ¯ේ āļąොāˇ€ෙāļą්āļą āˇ€āļœ āļļāļŊා āļœāļą්āļąāļ¸්.  While solving a problem that many have asked, That's exactly how Telegram Bots are created. I will continue with some videos from this video. Today there were some minor flaws in the video and there were some minor issues with the mic as well. I will make sure this does not happen in the videos ahead.

Telegram Group Video Calls Sinhala

āļ¸ේ āļ¯āˇ€āˇƒ් āˇ€āļŊ āˇ„ැāļ¸ෝāļ¸ āļšāļ­ා āˇ€ෙāļą්āļąේ Online Classes āˇƒāˇ„ Meetings āļœැāļą, āļ’āļš āļ…āļ¯ āˇƒāļ¸ාāļĸāļēේ āļąැāļ­ුāˇ€āļ¸ āļļැāļģි āļ¯ෙāļēāļš් āˇ€ෙāļŊා āļ‰āļ­ිāļą් āļ’āļšāļ§ āļ­āˇ€āļ­් āļ‘āļš āˇ€ිāˇƒāļ¯ුāļ¸āļš් āˇ€āˇāļēෙāļą්, āļŊොāˇ€ āļ´ුāļģා āļ¸ිāļŊිāļēāļą 500 āļš් āļ´āļ¸āļĢ āļ¯ෙāļąා āļˇාāˇ€ිāļ­ා āļšāļģāļą Telegram āˇƒේāˇ€ාāˇ€ āˇƒāļŗāˇ„ා Screen Sharing āˇ€ිāˇේāˇ‚ාංāļœāļēāļš් āˇƒāˇ„ Group Video Calls āˇ€ිāˇේāˇ‚ාංāļœāļēāļš් āļ‡āļ­ුāļŊුāˇ€ āļ­āˇ€āļ­් āˇ€ිāˇේāˇ‚ාංāļœ āļšිāˇ„ිāļ´āļēāļš් āˇ„āļŗුāļą්āˇ€ාāļ¯ීāļ¸āļ§ Telegram āļ†āļēāļ­āļąāļē āļ¸ේ āˇ€āļąāˇ€ිāļ§ āļšāļ§āļēුāļ­ු āļšāļģ āļ­ිāļļෙāļąāˇ€ා.ිāļ­ිāļą් āļ…āļ¯ āˇ€ීāļŠිāļēෝ āļ‘āļšෙāļą් āļ’ āļœැāļą āļļāļŊāļ¸ු. These days, everyone is talking about Online Classes and Meetings, which has become an integral part of today's society, so another solution is to add a few more features, including a Screen Sharing feature and a Group Video Calls feature for the Telegram service used by over 500 million people worldwide. Telegram has already taken steps to introduce it. So let's see about that in today's video. English : āˇƒිංāˇ„āļŊ :

iPhone 13 in Sinhala

āļ…āļ¯ āļ…āļ´ි āļšāļ­ා āļšāļģāļą්āļąේ āļŠāˇ…āļœāļ§ āļ‘āļą්āļą āļ­ිāļēāļą Apple āļ†āļēāļ­āļąāļēේ Apple iPhone 13 āļ‘āļš āļ¸ොāļą āˇ€āļœේāļ¯ āˇƒāˇ„ āļ’āļšෙ specs āļœැāļą, āļ‰āļ­ිāļą් video āļ‘āļš enjoy āļšāļģāļą්āļą. Video Clips āˇ€āļŊ original credits āļēāļą්āļą āļ•āļąි āļ…āļē description āļ‘āļšෙāļą් āˇƒāļ¯āˇ„āļą් āļšāļģāļŊා āļ­ිāļēāļąāˇ€ා. Today we are going to talk about the next Apple iPhone 13 and its specs, so enjoy the video. The original credits of the video clips are mentioned in the description. __________________ Credits ❤️ • Chanux Bro - • YouTech - • Apple Official

How to make a APP in Sinhala

  āļœොāļŠාāļš් āļšāļ§්āļ§ිāļē āļšැāļ¸āļ­ිāļēි āļ­āļ¸āļą්āļœෙāļ¸ āļšිāļēāļŊා app āļ‘āļšāļš් āˇ„āļ¯ා āļœāļą්āļą āļ’āļ­් āļ’āļšāļ§ programming āļ¯ැāļąුāļ¸ āļ­ිāļēෙāļą්āļąāļ¸ āļ•āļąි, āļ’āļ­් āļ…āļ¯ video āļ‘āļšෙāļą් āļ‘āˇ„ෙāļ¸ āļ¯ැāļąුāļ¸āļš් āļąැāļ­ිāˇ€ āˇƒාāļ¸ාāļą්‍āļē āˇ€ිāļ¯ිāˇ„āļšāļ§ app āļ‘āļšāļš් āˇ„āļ¯ා āļœāļą්āļą āˇ„ැāļ§ි āļšිāļēāļŊා āļ¯ෙāļąāˇ€ා. Many people like to make their own app but it requires programming knowledge, but today's video shows you how to make an app in a normal way without such knowledge. 🔗 Website : 🔗 Cloud Console :

Free Windows Activate in Sinhala

āļ…āļ¯ āˇ€ීāļŠිāļēෝ āļ‘āļšෙāļą් āļšāļ­ා āļšāļģāļą්āļąේ āļšොāˇ„ොāļ¸āļ¯ āļ”āļēාāļœේ windows āļ‘āļš free activate āļšāļģāļœāļą්āļąේ āļšිāļēāļŊා. āļœොāļŠ āļ¯ෙāļąෙāļš්āļ§ āļ†āļ´ු āļœැāļ§āļŊුāˇ€āļš් āļ­āļ¸āļēි āļ…āļ¯ āˇ€ීāļŠිāļēෝ āļ‘āļšෙāļą් āļšāļ­ා āļšāļģāļą්āļąේ. āļ¸ේ āˇ€āļœේ āļœāļ§āļŊු āļœොāļŠāļš් āˇ€ෙāļŊාāˇ€āļ§ āļ‘āļą්āļąේ crack āļšāļģāļ´ු windows āļ´ාāļ ්āļ ි āļšāļģāļą āļ…āļēāļ§āļēි. āļąāļ¸ුāļ­් āļ¸āļ¸ āļąāļ¸් āļ’āˇ€āļœේ āļ¯ේāˇ€āļŊ් āļ…āļąුāļ¸āļ­ āļšāļģāļąේ āļąැāˇ„ැ. āļšොāˇ„ොāļ¸ āļąāļ¸ුāļ­් āļ…āļ¯ āˇ€ීāļŠිāļēෝāˇ€ෙāļą් āļ’ āļœැāļą āļļāļŊāļ¸ු. Today's video talks about how to activate your windows for free. Today's video talks about a problem that has come to many people. Problems like this often come to those who patch cracked windows. But I do not approve of such things. Anyway, let's see about that in today's video. Website :-

GitHub - Sinhala | Uvindu Bro

This video on What is GitHub will help you understand the basics of GitHub with the help of a used case. Moving forward, we will understand the relevance of GitHub and discuss some of its features GitHub āļēāļąු āļšුāļ¸āļš්āļ¯ āļēāļą්āļą āļ´ිāˇ…ිāļļāļŗ āļ¸ෙāļ¸ āˇ€ීāļŠිāļēෝāˇ€ āļˇාāˇ€ිāļ­ා āļ’ āļ†āļ°ාāļģāļēෙāļą් āļ”āļļāļ§ āˇ€āļ§āˇ„ා āļœāļ­ āˇ„ැāļš. āˇƒāˇ„ āļ¸ෙāļ¸ āˇ€ීāļŠිāļēෝāˇ€ GitHub āˇ„ි āļ¸ූāļŊිāļš āļšāļģුāļĢු āļ­ේāļģුāļ¸් āļœැāļąීāļ¸āļ§ āļ”āļļāļ§ āļ‹āļ´āļšාāļģී āˇ€āļąු āļ‡āļ­. āļ‰āļ¯ිāļģිāļēāļ§ āļēāļą āˇ€ිāļ§, āļ…āļ´ි GitHub āˇ„ි āļ…āļ¯ාāˇ…āļ­්āˇ€āļē āļ­ේāļģුāļ¸් āļœෙāļą āļ‘āˇ„ි āˇƒāļ¸āˇ„āļģ āļ…ංāļœ āˇƒාāļšāļ ්āļĄා āļšāļģāļ¸ු. My GitHub Profile :